World-Wide Web Access Statistics for Robeson Centennial website
Totals for Summary Period: Feb 1 1998 to Feb 28 1998
Files Transmitted During Summary Period 16073
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 232545159
Average Files Transmitted Daily 574
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 8305184
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
2.17 2.32 5402626 349 | Feb 1 1998
4.48 5.04 11717937 720 | Feb 2 1998
4.96 5.01 11650388 798 | Feb 3 1998
4.60 5.26 12238515 739 | Feb 4 1998
4.55 4.62 10741365 731 | Feb 5 1998
3.98 4.24 9852600 640 | Feb 6 1998
1.69 1.57 3655064 272 | Feb 7 1998
3.49 3.79 8801841 561 | Feb 8 1998
3.65 3.56 8267913 587 | Feb 9 1998
3.14 2.85 6637774 504 | Feb 10 1998
3.09 3.16 7349837 496 | Feb 11 1998
3.73 3.63 8443672 600 | Feb 12 1998
4.21 3.78 8791199 677 | Feb 13 1998
1.79 1.60 3711000 287 | Feb 14 1998
2.31 2.17 5038563 372 | Feb 15 1998
2.84 2.79 6495611 456 | Feb 16 1998
3.04 2.43 5659767 489 | Feb 17 1998
5.25 4.82 11210739 844 | Feb 18 1998
3.52 3.35 7784289 566 | Feb 19 1998
3.17 2.60 6044054 510 | Feb 20 1998
1.26 1.31 3038519 203 | Feb 21 1998
2.47 2.60 6040704 397 | Feb 22 1998
4.33 4.64 10790522 696 | Feb 23 1998
3.31 3.23 7504825 532 | Feb 24 1998
5.60 6.02 13993234 900 | Feb 25 1998
6.67 6.92 16093800 1072 | Feb 26 1998
4.42 4.57 10625315 710 | Feb 27 1998
2.27 2.13 4963486 365 | Feb 28 1998
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
2.02 2.15 5009058 325 | 00
1.38 1.05 2440858 222 | 01
0.98 0.84 1949711 157 | 02
0.98 1.07 2486379 158 | 03
1.32 1.12 2599509 212 | 04
1.01 0.70 1635910 162 | 05
1.72 1.64 3819047 277 | 06
3.55 2.49 5785500 570 | 07
4.36 4.41 10256863 700 | 08
6.47 6.21 14432079 1040 | 09
5.44 5.31 12352910 875 | 10
5.57 5.75 13373191 896 | 11
7.47 7.46 17359467 1201 | 12
6.06 6.20 14413361 974 | 13
6.92 7.06 16413271 1112 | 14
5.72 5.84 13571007 920 | 15
6.46 6.55 15223437 1039 | 16
6.46 6.51 15140178 1039 | 17
5.09 5.60 13024997 818 | 18
4.70 5.03 11703027 756 | 19
4.75 4.94 11482763 764 | 20
4.47 4.82 11199387 719 | 21
3.84 4.09 9521538 618 | 22
3.23 3.16 7351711 519 | 23
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.02 0.05 112079 4 | ar Argentina
0.01 0.00 4239 2 | at Austria
0.19 0.23 524489 30 | au Australia
0.01 0.00 476 1 | be Belgium
0.04 0.05 113789 6 | bm Bermuda
0.01 0.00 9379 1 | br Brazil
0.15 0.12 278847 24 | bs Bahamas
1.67 1.94 4507297 269 | ca Canada
0.76 0.40 923917 122 | ch Switzerland
0.21 0.30 691496 34 | de Germany
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | dk Denmark
0.24 0.22 508676 38 | es Spain
0.06 0.06 136681 9 | fi Finland
0.01 0.02 47321 2 | hu Hungary
0.12 0.09 218552 19 | ie Ireland
0.06 0.11 256444 10 | il Israel
0.01 0.01 12705 1 | in India
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | it Italy
0.12 0.11 265915 19 | jp Japan
0.44 0.37 850304 71 | kr Korea (South)
0.01 0.01 12331 1 | my Malaysia
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | nl Netherlands
0.05 0.06 140761 8 | no Norway
0.03 0.03 70929 5 | nz New Zealand (Aotearoa)
0.04 0.02 41358 7 | ph Philippines
0.01 0.00 6203 1 | ro Romania
0.04 0.05 113460 7 | se Sweden
0.01 0.00 976 2 | tr Turkey
1.87 1.34 3121596 301 | uk United Kingdom
3.72 3.74 8686128 598 | us United States
33.94 34.12 79343045 5455 | com US Commercial
10.52 12.55 29173939 1691 | edu US Educational
0.96 1.11 2576173 155 | gov US Government
0.30 0.26 599965 48 | mil US Military
17.99 18.19 42295461 2892 | net Network
1.89 1.73 4023028 303 | org Non-Profit Organization
0.09 0.11 245024 15 | arpa Old style Arpanet
21.15 20.72 48176952 3399 | unresolved
3.21 1.86 4327802 516 |
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
21.15 20.72 48176952 3399 | Unresolved
0.02 0.05 112079 4 | ar.uba
0.02 0.02 55567 4 |
0.01 0.00 5179 1 |
0.06 0.08 184278 10 |
0.01 0.00 4239 2 | at.telekom.highway
0.03 0.05 117780 5 |
0.01 0.00 5736 1 |
0.01 0.00 932 2 |
0.01 0.00 4761 1 |
0.04 0.05 125542 6 |
0.01 0.01 12331 1 |
0.04 0.05 127585 7 |
0.03 0.05 117883 5 |
0.01 0.01 11939 2 |
0.01 0.00 476 1 | be.planetinternet.pop-kortrijk
0.04 0.05 113789 6 | bm.ibl
0.01 0.00 9379 1 |
0.15 0.12 278847 24 | bs.batelnet
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0.30 0.35 823045 48 | ca.cbc
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0.01 0.00 464 1 | ca.mcgill.das
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0.02 0.05 111189 4 |
0.07 0.04 102318 11 | ca.utoronto.artsci
0.02 0.04 90216 4 | ca.uwaterloo
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0.11 0.19 452780 18 | ca.yorku.library
0.13 0.04 102987 21 | ca.yorku.math
0.27 0.12 283712 43 | ca.yorku.slip
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0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.amoco
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15.98 16.56 38520731 2569 |
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0.09 0.03 72104 15 | com.azstarnet.tus
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0.05 0.04 93261 8 | com.bealenet
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0.03 0.05 116925 5 | com.bellcore
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0.02 0.00 10448 4 |
0.09 0.06 143364 14 |
0.41 0.45 1035085 66 | com.boeing
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0.06 0.06 141046 9 | com.boulevards
0.04 0.00 7113 6 | com.bsis
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0.03 0.00 9511 5 | com.citicorp
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0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.coastalnet
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0.03 0.00 1480 5 |
0.01 0.00 4239 2 | com.dido
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0.02 0.01 23035 3 | com.escape
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0.03 0.05 121791 5 | com.ey
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | com.ezonline
0.07 0.07 154998 11 |
0.04 0.05 123516 6 | com.fpl
0.02 0.01 12747 4 | com.gale
0.01 0.00 2573 1 | com.gcnet
0.05 0.08 187612 8 | com.halifax
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | com.hermanmiller
0.02 0.05 112113 4 | com.hgvc
0.01 0.00 180 1 | com.his
0.01 0.00 10994 2 | com.hole-in-one
0.02 0.01 29374 4 |
0.03 0.05 116925 5 |
0.02 0.05 112044 4 |
0.07 0.11 255922 12 | com.hp
0.01 0.00 1747 2 | com.i-55
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0.03 0.01 25986 5 |
0.01 0.00 4761 1 |
0.17 0.25 588701 27 |
0.01 0.00 2597 1 | com.idirect
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0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.ingrammicro
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0.06 0.05 123834 9 |
0.03 0.02 51289 5 | com.interaccess.focal2
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0.54 0.64 1492467 86 |
0.03 0.05 116851 5 | com.iswt
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0.02 0.05 112044 4 | com.jefco
0.20 0.26 596856 32 |
0.03 0.05 116851 5 | com.kemper
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0.06 0.06 149281 10 | com.kron
0.02 0.03 81216 4 | com.lanline
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0.02 0.02 48964 3 | com.latimes
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0.04 0.04 97671 6 | com.loopback
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0.01 0.00 10527 2 | com.mids
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0.01 0.00 486 1 | com.mindspring
0.68 0.68 1578877 109 | com.mindspring.dialup
0.07 0.08 187366 12 | com.mitel
0.03 0.05 116851 5 |
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | com.monsanto
0.01 0.01 11888 2 | com.montana
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | com.montgomerybell
0.01 0.00 4314 1 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.msinets
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | com.mts
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0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.nbsi
0.01 0.02 45577 2 |
1.31 0.87 2018341 211 | com.netcom.ix
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0.02 0.02 50452 4 | com.netrover
0.01 0.00 932 2 | com.nlenx
0.16 0.19 434846 26 | com.nni
0.03 0.01 18487 5 | com.northernlight
0.17 0.23 530846 27 | com.northgrum
0.06 0.06 150238 10 | com.nt
0.02 0.02 46142 4 | com.nucleus
0.07 0.01 22708 11 | com.nytimes
0.09 0.04 92613 15 | com.olg
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0.09 0.06 133517 14 | com.phillynews
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | com.pinc
0.19 0.24 552614 30 | com.pipex.du
0.01 0.00 4642 1 | com.planetsearch
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.pnx
0.04 0.05 121716 6 | com.primenet.bur
0.04 0.04 84500 6 | com.primenet.fhu
0.26 0.24 547980 42 | com.prodigy
0.06 0.06 147770 10 | com.projo
0.04 0.05 126825 7 |
0.06 0.10 228969 9 | com.pseg
0.02 0.01 12657 3 |
0.01 0.00 6203 1 | com.quebectel.f123
0.01 0.02 48098 2 |
0.07 0.08 180506 11 | com.rbi
0.02 0.00 1410 3 | com.rnb
0.01 0.00 498 1 | com.rr.nycap
0.01 0.00 3298 2 | com.rr.san
0.02 0.05 112044 4 | com.sce
0.40 0.47 1082559 65 | com.schwab
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.scsnet
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.seagate
0.07 0.10 240657 11 | com.shellus
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | com.shofainc
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | com.shscomputer
0.03 0.05 118282 5 | com.sikorsky
0.06 0.05 116058 9 | com.sinewave
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | com.sisna
0.18 0.08 185319 29 | com.sjmercury
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | com.skyhigh.mdfrd
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.smb
0.12 0.23 525880 19 | com.sns-access
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | com.sperry-marine
0.01 0.00 10994 2 | com.spyglass.siv
0.06 0.06 151079 9 | com.surfnetinc.cust01
0.01 0.00 4002 1 | com.tdl
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.telapex
0.08 0.07 159649 13 | com.theriver.pm3-15
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | com.thompsoncoburn
0.01 0.00 2113 2 | com.ti
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | com.tiac.ct.hartf.ts5
0.07 0.06 136036 11 |
0.01 0.00 5225 2 |
0.12 0.10 236137 19 | com.transquest
0.01 0.00 5179 1 |
0.04 0.06 128744 7 |
0.07 0.10 244134 12 |
0.04 0.05 120474 6 | com.vallnet.tremal
0.11 0.09 220275 17 |
0.01 0.00 6279 1 | com.vicksburg
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | com.viperlink
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | com.visi.dynamic
0.01 0.00 5225 2 | com.walrus
0.01 0.02 36425 2 | com.way
0.02 0.03 74687 4 | com.westnet.ts1
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | com.widomaker.wmbg
0.02 0.03 64570 4 | com.wisewire
0.18 0.21 483195 29 | com.wwa
0.03 0.01 21926 5 | com.wwisp
0.06 0.10 228969 9 |
0.01 0.01 34042 1 | com.zeiss
0.03 0.05 117039 5 | com.zellercorp
0.02 0.05 111115 4 | de.fhg.igd
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0.02 0.05 112044 4 |
0.10 0.10 234726 16 | de.t-online.srv.f
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0.11 0.15 345240 18 | edu.bc
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0.01 0.00 5381 1 | edu.bridgewater
0.01 0.00 486 1 | edu.brown.cis
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0.10 0.12 282011 16 | edu.ccc
0.03 0.01 31460 5 | edu.champlain
0.02 0.05 112079 4 | edu.childmmc
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0.05 0.06 144786 8 | edu.colorado
0.21 0.23 541167 34 | edu.colum
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0.03 0.05 121621 5 | edu.columbia.cpmc
0.18 0.12 283491 29 |
0.04 0.05 125145 6 | edu.columbia.math
0.07 0.01 32356 12 | edu.cortland.pub4
0.03 0.05 115503 5 | edu.csufresno
0.14 0.22 514444 22 | edu.csuhayward
0.09 0.07 161250 14 | edu.csun
0.06 0.07 172538 10 | edu.ctstateu.ccsu
0.03 0.05 117529 5 |
0.05 0.02 42335 8 | edu.cuny.brooklyn
0.01 0.01 34368 1 | edu.dcccd.229.63
0.02 0.05 112044 4 | edu.du.casl
0.03 0.05 117392 5 |
0.01 0.00 926 2 | edu.ecu.eastnet
0.04 0.05 127148 7 | edu.emich.acad
0.02 0.03 59823 4 | edu.emory.resnet
0.04 0.05 109789 6 | edu.evergreen
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.firn
0.01 0.00 4228 2 | edu.fiu
0.01 0.00 4347 1 | edu.fsu.acns
0.01 0.01 12331 1 | edu.fsu.eng
0.03 0.01 27442 5 | edu.gasou.hps
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | edu.gatech
0.16 0.25 586123 26 | edu.gatech.iac
0.19 0.34 789771 30 | edu.gatech.res
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | edu.gatech.resnet
0.02 0.04 86334 4 | edu.gatech.skiles
0.16 0.22 522026 26 | edu.harvard.fas
0.04 0.02 46699 7 | edu.harvard.student
0.01 0.01 13844 2 | edu.indiana.iun
0.04 0.03 72678 6 | edu.iup.lib
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | edu.jhu.mse
0.01 0.00 7132 1 | edu.jhuapl
0.08 0.07 168672 13 | edu.kent.ppp
0.01 0.00 9522 2 | edu.laccd
0.01 0.00 2212 2 | edu.lacoe
0.01 0.00 6800 2 | edu.lacoe.proxy
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.lacoe.proxy2
0.01 0.00 2597 1 | edu.luc.students
0.21 0.28 659585 34 | edu.lynchburg
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | edu.maine.caps.ts-f-merrill
0.13 0.20 455503 21 | edu.marshall
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | edu.mec
0.04 0.05 123226 7 | edu.millikin
0.03 0.03 72266 5 | edu.missouri
0.02 0.01 21438 4 |
0.01 0.00 1671 2 | edu.morehouse
0.01 0.01 17860 1 |
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | edu.msus.mankato
0.02 0.05 111793 4 |
0.08 0.06 136199 13 | edu.ncsu.coe
0.04 0.05 127452 7 | edu.neiu
0.01 0.00 468 1 | edu.newpaltz.eelab
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.02 0.05 112044 4 | edu.nlu.libarts
0.05 0.10 224088 8 | edu.nwu.library
0.03 0.05 121563 5 | edu.nwu.medill
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | edu.nwu.ur
0.07 0.10 243438 11 | edu.nyu
0.02 0.05 111115 4 | edu.nyu.bobst
0.05 0.06 144617 8 | edu.nyu.equal
0.01 0.00 781 1 | edu.nyu.fas
0.04 0.05 122040 6 |
0.07 0.11 245991 12 |
0.06 0.10 238370 10 | edu.nyu.stern
0.07 0.06 145186 11 | edu.nyu.tsoa.admin
0.02 0.05 112044 4 | edu.oakton
0.12 0.20 472361 20 | edu.ohio-state.wca
0.03 0.05 117529 5 | edu.ohiou.aldenisl
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | edu.ohiou.baker
0.16 0.13 298454 26 | edu.oneonta
0.01 0.00 11040 2 | edu.orst.ucs
0.06 0.01 25702 9 | edu.oxy.ipac
0.06 0.13 309247 10 |
0.01 0.00 6279 1 | edu.pace.wan
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.01 0.00 11168 2 | edu.psu.cac
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | edu.psu.cac-labs
0.01 0.00 9931 2 | edu.psu.math
0.08 0.11 248848 13 | edu.psu.rh
0.01 0.00 3298 2 | edu.puc
0.04 0.06 151028 6 | edu.richmond
0.01 0.00 6225 1 | edu.rider
0.01 0.00 4314 1 | edu.rmh
0.06 0.05 121520 9 | edu.rpi.xyp
1.22 1.43 3316227 196 | edu.rutgers
0.02 0.02 35300 4 | edu.scu.engr
0.04 0.05 123128 6 | edu.sfsu
0.01 0.00 728 1 | edu.ship
0.13 0.25 578656 21 | edu.shu
0.03 0.05 117529 5 |
0.01 0.00 4791 1 | edu.sjsu
0.01 0.00 3298 2 | edu.spelman
0.01 0.00 932 2 | edu.stanford
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | edu.stockton
0.02 0.05 111189 4 |
0.01 0.00 6711 1 | edu.syr
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | edu.tcnj
0.11 0.06 141210 18 | edu.temple.main
0.04 0.05 123897 7 | edu.temple.ocis
0.09 0.05 122484 15 | edu.tenet
0.01 0.00 486 1 | edu.tenet.isd.groesbeck
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | edu.tenet.isd.houston
0.02 0.01 21709 4 | edu.tesc.njsl
0.01 0.01 13884 2 | edu.tufts
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.uakron.comp
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.uc.lng
0.01 0.01 17032 2 | edu.ucdavis
3.21 1.86 4327802 516 | edu.uchicago
0.38 0.45 1034891 61 | edu.ucla.resnet
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | edu.ucla.sscnet
0.07 0.07 164290 12 | edu.ucla.ts.wla
0.06 0.06 141446 9 | edu.ucop
0.11 0.20 455583 17 | edu.ucsf
0.03 0.05 117529 5 | edu.udel.cwt
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | edu.udel.russ
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.ufl.aa.net118
0.07 0.10 222349 12 |
0.02 0.05 112044 4 | edu.ufl.jou
0.30 0.35 810516 49 | edu.uic.dialin
0.01 0.00 6203 1 | edu.uic.engl
0.02 0.05 111793 4 | edu.uiuc.housing
0.02 0.01 24477 3 | edu.uiuc.sws
0.12 0.23 535143 19 | edu.uiuc.will
0.04 0.02 41986 7 | edu.umass.remote
0.03 0.02 54649 5 | edu.umass.som
0.02 0.04 92435 3 | edu.umbc.libpub
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.umd
0.01 0.00 9510 2 | edu.umd.dial
0.04 0.06 149688 6 | edu.umich.bus
0.01 0.01 14065 2 | edu.umich.itd.ccs
0.05 0.06 138569 8 | edu.umich.kines
0.14 0.20 466779 23 | edu.umn.dialup
0.02 0.00 1398 3 | edu.umn.ejack
0.03 0.05 118349 5 | edu.umn.ext
0.09 0.16 369310 15 | edu.umn.micro
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | edu.umn.mrs
0.04 0.05 123128 6 | edu.umn.reshalls
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | edu.unc.oit
0.01 0.01 12331 1 | edu.unc.oitlabs
0.03 0.05 121563 5 | edu.uncwil.union
0.01 0.00 466 1 | edu.unm
0.01 0.00 2368 1 | edu.unt.coe
0.16 0.16 362539 25 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | edu.upenn.sfs
0.02 0.00 10844 3 | edu.usc
0.11 0.19 448212 18 | edu.usc.hsc
0.05 0.06 136216 8 | edu.utexas.dorm
0.01 0.01 15064 2 | edu.utexas.gar
0.07 0.10 243348 12 | edu.utexas.lib
0.11 0.14 331515 18 | edu.utk.lib
0.01 0.00 2580 2 | edu.utk.res
0.05 0.04 92364 8 | edu.utoledo.dialins
0.42 0.42 981008 67 | edu.utoledo.uhe.uhe0
0.02 0.02 36048 4 | edu.uwm.esl
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | edu.uwp
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | edu.vanderbilt.n1
0.12 0.12 284817 20 | edu.virginia.bootp
0.03 0.01 13296 5 | edu.walsh
0.11 0.16 376863 18 | edu.washington.u
0.10 0.18 407055 16 | edu.wheaton
0.01 0.00 4642 1 | edu.wisc.cs
0.01 0.01 17997 2 | edu.wmich.frc
0.05 0.06 146600 8 | edu.wwu.wce
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | edu.yale.cis
0.09 0.07 159550 15 | edu.yale.its
0.14 0.21 493928 23 |
0.24 0.22 508676 38 | es.xtec.infovia
0.02 0.04 91609 4 | fi.clinet
0.03 0.02 45072 5 | fi.uta
0.04 0.07 156836 7 |
0.03 0.05 115980 5 |
0.01 0.00 6875 2 | gov.dhhs.acf
0.03 0.05 117815 5 | gov.doe.eia
0.03 0.05 115503 5 | gov.dol
0.04 0.05 121382 6 | gov.eop
0.03 0.05 117780 5 | gov.epa.reagan4b
0.01 0.00 2212 2 | gov.faa
0.03 0.05 115980 5 | gov.fdic
0.04 0.02 41545 7 | gov.fnal
0.04 0.01 24877 6 | gov.hcfa
0.08 0.12 273813 13 | gov.hud
0.04 0.05 121317 6 | gov.loc
0.11 0.08 196380 17 | gov.metrokc
0.04 0.05 126354 6 | gov.nasa.jsc
0.04 0.05 127181 6 | gov.nga
0.03 0.01 25501 5 | gov.nlrb
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | gov.ohio.lnoca
0.01 0.01 12331 1 | gov.ohio.mdeca
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | gov.ohio.mveca
0.06 0.06 143333 10 | gov.srs
0.07 0.10 241818 12 | gov.treas
0.06 0.06 135576 9 |
0.02 0.05 112079 4 | gov.usdoj
0.01 0.00 956 2 | gov.usps
0.01 0.00 486 1 | gov.uspto
0.03 0.05 116851 5 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.01 0.02 47321 2 | hu.tiszanet
0.04 0.06 130761 7 | ie.indigo.cork
0.07 0.04 87791 12 | ie.indigo.dublin
0.01 0.01 34140 2 |
0.02 0.05 111115 4 |
0.02 0.05 111189 4 |
0.01 0.01 12705 1 |
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | it.goldnet
0.01 0.00 10304 2 |
0.06 0.07 169395 9 |
0.01 0.00 904 1 |
0.04 0.03 79576 6 | jp.or.infoweb.ppp
0.01 0.00 5736 1 | jp.or.kic
0.44 0.37 850304 71 |
0.01 0.01 34042 1 |
0.01 0.00 5736 1 |
0.09 0.05 124144 15 |
0.04 0.05 123128 6 |
0.04 0.06 151100 6 |
0.01 0.00 4761 1 |
0.02 0.01 20340 4 |
0.02 0.00 2310 3 | mil.dla.dpsc
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | mil.dla.dscc
0.03 0.05 117780 5 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.01 0.00 7132 1 |
0.01 0.00 464 1 |
0.01 0.00 486 1 |
0.01 0.00 4314 1 |
0.01 0.01 12331 1 |
0.10 0.13 302037 16 | net.access.dialup
0.06 0.06 148116 10 | net.acsc
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.adelphia.buf
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.advicom
0.06 0.06 138577 9 | net.agate.sdi
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.ais.chi
0.02 0.01 26683 3 | net.albany.albany
0.03 0.00 10570 5 | net.algorithms
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.alltel
0.01 0.00 11535 1 | net.aloha.u
0.05 0.01 13030 8 | net.ameritech.mi.detroit
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.ameritech.oh.cleveland
0.02 0.05 112079 4 | net.artnet
0.03 0.02 38434 5 |
0.01 0.00 3298 2 |
0.01 0.00 5225 2 |
0.05 0.07 169098 8 |
0.05 0.05 112735 8 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.att.dial-access.ct.bridgeport-01
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.att.dial-access.ct.stamford-01
0.04 0.04 93601 6 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-10
0.02 0.04 87189 4 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-11
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.att.dial-access.fl.west-palm-beach-01
0.01 0.00 944 2 | net.att.dial-access.fl.west-palm-beach-02
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.01 0.00 486 1 |
0.06 0.06 141026 9 |
0.01 0.00 486 1 |
0.06 0.07 171615 9 |
0.05 0.06 142485 8 | net.att.dial-access.mi.detroit-05
0.03 0.05 117996 5 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.03 0.05 117780 5 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-01
0.06 0.08 175945 9 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-09
0.01 0.00 7202 1 | net.att.dial-access.nj.pleasantville-01
0.01 0.00 4761 1 |
0.02 0.03 74436 4 |
0.14 0.24 549452 23 |
0.01 0.00 5179 1 |
0.03 0.03 71291 5 |
0.04 0.08 175332 6 |
0.01 0.00 4761 1 |
0.01 0.00 5736 1 |
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | net.att.dial-access.ny.white-plains-01
0.01 0.00 1310 1 | net.att.dial-access.tx.beaumont-01
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | net.att.dial-access.tx.houston-05
0.01 0.00 5736 1 |
0.02 0.05 112044 4 |
0.01 0.02 38499 2 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.17 0.24 561838 28 |
0.01 0.00 2368 1 | net.att.dial-access.wa.seattle-04
0.08 0.08 196967 13 | net.avtel.sba1
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | net.axion
0.06 0.03 70901 10 | net.bcwan
0.63 0.44 1011675 101 | net.bellatlantic
0.19 0.19 431005 31 | net.bellsouth.atl
0.04 0.05 119137 7 | net.bellsouth.bhm
0.06 0.07 163990 9 | net.bellsouth.bna
0.01 0.00 5836 1 | net.bellsouth.clt
0.06 0.04 86294 9 | net.bellsouth.fll
0.01 0.00 7202 1 | net.bellsouth.hsv
0.08 0.08 196384 13 | net.bellsouth.jax
0.04 0.03 59449 6 | net.bellsouth.mia
0.11 0.08 183415 17 | net.berkshire
0.01 0.00 5246 1 | net.binc
0.04 0.04 85661 7 | net.bluenet
0.01 0.00 6203 1 |
0.01 0.00 4228 2 | net.burke.wbro-ga
0.04 0.05 121716 6 | net.cancom
0.01 0.00 4642 1 | net.canweb.d
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.ccboe
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.ccse
0.01 0.00 932 2 |
0.11 0.20 465036 18 | net.charm
0.01 0.00 5146 2 | net.chattanooga
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.chesapeake
0.04 0.04 99966 7 | net.citynet
0.01 0.00 1203 1 | net.clark
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.cmpu
0.01 0.00 3033 1 | net.cobweb
0.04 0.02 37092 6 | net.colba
0.02 0.01 17579 3 | net.comsource
0.05 0.06 139486 8 | net.concentric.det-mi
0.01 0.01 14531 2 | net.concentric.oak-ca
0.02 0.03 66229 4 | net.concentric.phm-pa
0.01 0.01 34298 1 | net.concentric.sag-mi
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.cora
0.04 0.05 111819 7 | net.creative
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.csinet
0.01 0.00 4791 1 |
0.03 0.05 118247 5 | net.cybercom
0.07 0.06 132602 12 | net.cyberview
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.datastream
0.01 0.00 498 1 | net.datasys.dialup
0.08 0.08 186464 13 | net.dca.phl.pm3.cust
0.02 0.04 98613 4 | net.dcache
0.36 0.32 744957 58 | net.dialsprint
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.digex.belt
0.04 0.04 84314 7 | net.digex.thnc
0.01 0.00 9379 1 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds12-ca-us
0.06 0.06 144904 10 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds13-ca-us
0.07 0.07 167625 12 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds7-ca-us
0.09 0.06 143978 15 | net.earthlink.dialup.mpop2-ca-us
0.07 0.05 118117 11 | net.earthlink.dialup.mpop3-ca-us
0.01 0.00 466 1 | net.elpasonet
0.02 0.01 13032 3 | net.en
0.09 0.07 152214 15 | net.epix
0.04 0.05 122163 6 | net.eri.dayton
0.01 0.00 2336 1 | net.ezs.chestnut
0.01 0.00 1781 2 | net.fair
0.01 0.01 30253 2 |
0.08 0.09 216823 13 | net.flash
0.02 0.05 111115 4 | net.frontiernet.ny.hgl
0.01 0.01 30647 1 | net.frontiernet.ny.roc
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | net.fuse
0.04 0.05 121716 6 | net.fw
0.01 0.00 3066 2 | net.gate
0.04 0.05 120564 6 | net.gbis
0.03 0.05 117996 5 | net.gensis
0.01 0.00 5179 1 | net.grandcentral
0.04 0.05 126610 7 | net.greynet
0.01 0.00 4457 1 | net.grid.kop
0.07 0.06 147259 12 | net.grid.nwrk
0.05 0.06 131473 8 |
0.01 0.00 7202 1 | net.gulf.pcola
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.gwtc
0.01 0.00 2597 1 | net.hci
0.04 0.06 135983 7 | net.hooked.ppp
0.01 0.00 5277 2 | net.iadfw.ght
0.02 0.04 82024 4 |
0.19 0.15 351975 31 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.09 0.07 156942 14 |
0.13 0.14 326538 21 |
0.22 0.20 457571 36 |
0.11 0.06 130142 17 |
0.30 0.42 981258 48 |
0.01 0.00 6225 1 |
0.06 0.08 175038 9 |
0.06 0.08 180843 10 | net.idt.chi.ts-4
0.01 0.00 2597 1 |
0.04 0.04 84359 6 | net.idt.mvl.ts-1
0.01 0.00 4239 2 |
0.03 0.05 115980 5 |
0.03 0.05 116925 5 | net.ifx
0.01 0.00 6711 1 | net.iglobal
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.igs.cnwl
0.04 0.06 146553 6 |
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.indy.ts
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.infi.ekx
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.infi.lex
0.11 0.06 128102 17 | net.infi.orf
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.infi.pot
0.04 0.04 82377 7 |
0.01 0.00 464 1 | net.inreach.stk
0.10 0.15 356363 16 | net.insync
0.02 0.00 8709 3 | net.intellistar
0.14 0.11 257145 22 | net.intercom
0.02 0.00 8456 4 | net.interpath.dyn
0.01 0.00 498 1 | net.ipass
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.islc
0.04 0.06 128659 7 | net.ispi.lnk
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.ite.b
0.07 0.04 102527 11 | net.jc
0.06 0.01 18733 9 | net.jersey
0.10 0.08 181318 16 | net.jps
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.krhs
0.01 0.01 12331 1 | net.lanzen
0.07 0.04 92244 12 |
0.01 0.00 558 2 | net.lightstream
0.04 0.05 121716 6 | net.lks.bel
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.maas
0.01 0.00 2590 1 | net.magicnet
0.01 0.00 464 1 | net.mbay.dip
0.09 0.15 340789 15 | net.mci.atlanta.mix2
0.01 0.00 7202 1 | net.mci.campus.dalton
0.11 0.15 346566 18 | net.mci.campus.snaustel
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.mci.campus.uab
0.02 0.05 112044 4 | net.mci.sacramento.mix1
0.04 0.07 160605 7 | net.mci.willowsprings.mix1
0.04 0.04 88819 6 | net.mcn
0.19 0.14 316074 31 |
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | net.mediaone.ce
0.04 0.06 151063 6 |
0.04 0.02 49404 7 |
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.megsinet
0.06 0.10 236214 10 | net.mercernet
0.21 0.29 666920 33 | net.mich.dialip
0.04 0.06 133754 7 | net.misslink
0.01 0.00 4686 1 |
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.nac
0.04 0.05 121814 7 | net.nai
0.05 0.04 99073 8 | net.naples.pm3
0.01 0.00 4761 1 | net.navix
0.01 0.00 2590 1 |
0.04 0.00 686 7 |
0.11 0.07 164810 18 | net.netacc
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.netchannel
0.01 0.00 1649 1 | net.netlabs
0.01 0.01 30647 1 | net.netreach
0.37 0.29 679187 60 | net.netspace.proxy
0.03 0.05 116250 5 | net.netwiz
0.01 0.00 6711 1 | net.nlanr.cache
0.04 0.05 119426 6 | net.nwnexus
0.10 0.07 167314 16 | net.olywa
0.04 0.05 127804 7 |
0.04 0.05 127661 7 | net.onramp.dllstx
0.06 0.06 142180 9 | net.onslowonline
0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
0.04 0.06 131593 7 | net.pacbell.grdn01
0.02 0.01 13932 3 | net.pacbell.lsan03
0.02 0.00 3049 4 | net.pacbell.psdn11
0.01 0.00 2114 1 | net.pacbell.scrm01
0.05 0.05 123683 8 | net.pacbell.snfc21
0.04 0.06 128493 7 | net.pacbell.sntc01
0.07 0.03 63682 11 | net.pacific
0.01 0.00 7201 2 | net.patriot
0.02 0.05 111189 4 | net.peconic
0.02 0.05 112079 4 | net.pfmc
0.04 0.05 125167 7 | net.pinebelt
0.05 0.04 101683 8 | net.pinn
0.02 0.01 14711 4 | net.planet
0.11 0.14 313974 17 | net.port
0.01 0.00 462 1 | net.powernet.reno
0.02 0.05 112113 4 | net.premier.dialup
0.06 0.08 179433 10 | net.prodigy.18.63.115
0.01 0.00 928 2 | net.prodigy.alle
0.07 0.11 245366 12 | net.prodigy.eagl
0.10 0.19 437882 16 | net.prodigy.edis
0.03 0.03 61170 5 | net.prodigy.elsu2
0.04 0.04 87875 6 | net.prodigy.flad3
0.08 0.08 191250 13 | net.prodigy.plsv
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0.01 0.00 2114 1 |
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0.01 0.00 464 1 | us.tx.k12.arlington
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